Thursday, October 21, 2010

Listen While You Work

We've all heard the old saying "whistle while you work," and while that may be fine for Snow White and the seven dwarfs, I've craved stimulation beyond trying to carry a tune (which I'm not very good at anyway) as I try to get things done around the house. Fortunately there are ways to engage your mind AND get all of the laundry, dishes and dusting done! I have loved listening to sermons, talks and even on-line lectures (via iPods or listening on the computer). These can be easily found on various internet sites, but I've included some recommended listening below in case you're interested!

*Carolyn Mahaney on being a woman and a mother:

*Susan Hunt on discipleship and women in the church:

* has a huge collection of sermons and talks from just about any category, including Theology, Gospel, Bible, God, Christian Life and Hot Topics.

*For free Reformed Theological Seminary courses visit:

* For more than 350,000 free lectures from universities all over the world go to iTunes U:


  1. I've added you to my Reader list! Yay for a mommy blog- I like it already!

  2. Love the blog! And this is a great list. Being a Mom and keeping a house can be a bit mind numbing at times. Another one you might check out is Paul Zahl's podcasts. You can find them on itunes. Or check out: for more resources.
