Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Household Tips

Here are some more tips from What Didn't I Think of That:


"Want to extend the lifetime of your mop and broom? Tie a knot at the end of each mop string for longer wear. Dip a new broom in hot, salt water to toughen the bristles."

"Recycle those expensive paper towels. After using them to dry your hands, store them in a clean milk carton under the sink. They're dandy for wiping up spills or scrubbing remaining grease from the skillet."

"Stains on clothing are no problem with these tips...
*Ball point pen ink is removed easily by spraying with hair spray then wash as usual.

*Blood stains wash out readily after a good soaking in cold water. For a more stubborn blood stain, add a cup of vinegar to the water.

*Iron rust departs when the garments are boiled in a solution of four teaspoons of cream of tartar to one pint of water...or rub with diluted peroxide or lemon juice."

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