Sunday, January 23, 2011

Prayer Groups

During these precious years with little ones, time flies! There are things that we'll inevitably have to let slide and it is important to prioritize. Fellowship with other women should be high on our lists!

While there are numerous ways to do this, I want to propose one that is both fun and greatly edifying - prayer groups. Depending on your stages and schedules you might choose to meet monthly, bi-monthly or even weekly. Set a time that works best for all involved and without kids gather to share and receive prayer requests. Try to stick to the allotted time slot - which means you'll need to arrive on time and end punctually - so that women who already have a tough time fitting it into their schedules won't be disinclined to come. In my experience, the bond that forms within so intimate a group is invaluable and you will all grow together as you marvel at how the Lord works in your lives and answers prayers according to His good, gracious and sovereign will!

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